Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My niece, Melissa, graduated from college this past weekend. It was amazing watching this young woman, whom I use to carry around and scoop up so easily, walk across the stage and be awarded her diploma. She is now officially a teacher. And what a teacher she will be. She is the kind of person who really affects those she comes in contact with. In the best possible ways.
It got me thinking about graduating. Yes, graduating from college is a huge deal. Getting married, having a child, getting divorced, buying your first house, getting a new job. All huge deals. Moving from one state of being to another.
But it occurred to me that we are all graduating at a much greater frequency than we think.
Yes, we see the big milestones.
But I think that the bigger changes happen in the quiet moments. The second we have an idea about a new business, or listen to that inner voice that tells us to choose right instead of left. Being instead of doing.
Life is made up of a series of graduation moments...from victim to empowered, from negative to positive. If we are living, I don't see how we could possibly keep from moving. And isn't that the grandest part of life? The moving from one place to another, the new experiences, the opportunities for growth and new perspectives, to feel something in a new way. To love in the way that is most appropriate at that moment in time. To adopt a new pet, make a new friend. Learn something for the first time. Read a great book or see a fabulous movie. Have the best tiramsu that you have ever tasted. See the sun rise over the ocean or set over a meadow. To let something go that we have carried for a long time that no longer serves us. Develop respect for someone. To say hello and to say goodbye.
I remember when I was a kid, I missed a day at school. I loved school so that was an odd occurrence. As it happened, the teacher also missed school and a substitute filled in. The next day everyone was buzzing with what an awesome teacher he was. And I missed it.
I knew then, back in 4th grade, that we are affected by our experiences...everyone of them.
Celebrate all the moments. The big ones. The tiniest of them. They are all important. And they all deserve recognition for they come together to make us who we are.


  1. Many congratulations on seeing your niece graduate and to make the little graduations, the perpetual motions that keep life moving and sharing about your experiences!

  2. Hi Ellie. I happened to log into my old yahoo account which I stopped using almost two years ago, and I found an e-mail you sent in January about your blog.

    I hope you see this comment. It doesn't look as if you are actively using this blog at this time.

    I still miss you and Carolina Memories. It was never the same after you left. I hope everything is well with you and your family.

    Stop by my blog some time if you get the chance. It is
